



Sports MiniBattles

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Sports MiniBattles

Game info
Sports MiniBattles


Sports Mini Battles is a brilliant collection of sports-based games. You can either play against an AI computer opponent or your friend using split controls. There are four different sports games to play. During each game, you must try and beat your opponent in an intense sports match. In each game, the first player to score five times wins so stay alert and try to make every point or play count! The 2D graphics are cool, and the physics of the game make it entertaining. If you enjoy this game why not try 12 MiniBattles which is a similar physics-based game.
To move player 1 use AD and player 2 use left and right arrow To jump player 1 use W and player 2 use up arrow To smash player 1 use space bar and player 2 use 0 or enter

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